Simulations are designed to run on a Linux-based high-performance cluster (HPC).
However, installation instructions also include sections for local setup and container-based environments.
In this section:
- MultiMalModPy
- Python 3.9.4
- R >= 4.0.0
- malariasimulation 2.0.0
- emodpy==1.22.1
- emodpy-malaria 4.1.0
- idmtools-platform-slurm==2.0.2
- OpenMalaria v46+
Get MultiMalModPy
To get started with MultiMalModPy, the recommended approach is to fork the repository and clone it to your local machine or cluster. This allows you to easily update the code and contribute to the project.
Alternatively, you can download the latest release directly from the GitHub releases page here. if you just need to use the software without modifications.
cd <target_directory>
git clone
or via SSH
cd <target_directory>
git clone
Before running MultiMalModPy on an HPC cluster, ensure that the necessary modules are loaded. Use the following commands to load the required dependencies:
module load singularity/3.8.1 #singularity/3.7.0
module load git/2.8.2
module load python/3.8.4
module load R/4.4.0
Create a virtual environment
MultiMalModPy works best when used within a virtual environment, as it helps manage dependencies and keep your project isolated from other Python projects.
Follow the steps below to set up a virtual environment:
Step 1: Install Python (if necessary) Make sure you have Python 3.8+ installed on your system. You can verify this by running in your terminal:
python --version
If you’re working on an HPC cluster, you can load the Python module available on the system
via module load python/3.8.4
(to check existing python versions run module spider python
Alternatively, if running locally, and Python isn’t installed, you can download and install the latest version from
Step 2: Install virtualenv If you don’t have virtualenv installed, you can install it via pip:
pip install virtualenv
Step 3: Create the Virtual Environment Navigate to the directory where you want to store your project, and then run the following command to create a virtual environment:
virtualenv my_venv
This will create a folder named my_venv
in your project directory that will contain the virtual environment.
Step 4: Activate the Virtual Environment
On Windows: .\my_venv\Scripts\activate
On macOS/Linux: source my_venv/bin/activate
Once activated, your terminal prompt will change to show the name of the virtual environment (e.g., (my_venv)).
Step 5: Install Dependencies
Now that the virtual environment is activated, install MultiMalModPy’s dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will ensure that all required packages are installed within the virtual environment.
Install EMOD
- Linux client
- SLURM cluster access and general understanding
- Python 3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11/3.12 x64-bit (
- Python virtual environments
Step 1: Activate venv (if not already active)
On macOS/Linux: source my_venv/bin/activate
Optional: clean previous installed packages, only needed when a new idmtools Singularity image is
available : rm –fr ~/.local/lib/python*
Step 2: Pull Singularity image containing Python and MPI
curl -o dtk_run_rocky_py39.sif
Step 3:Install emodpy-malaria and idmtools_platform_slurm
Run the following command to install emodpy-malaria
pip install emodpy-malaria --ignore-installed --index-url=
You may encounter the following warning which can be ignored.
WARNING: You are using pip version 22.0.4; however, version 25.0 is available. You should consider upgrading via the ‘~/my_venv/bin/python -m pip install –upgrade pip’ command.
Install the idmtools_platform_slurm
package with this command:
pip install idmtools[slurm] --index-url=
This may take a few minutes to build. Again, if the ‘pip install’ warning appears, you can ignore it. The outcome should look as below:
Verify installation via:
idmtools --help
Step 6: Verify installation and test run
You can check whether the installation was successfull by typing:
cd <custom_dir/MultiMalModPy>
python --models EMOD --test
Step 8: Update
Make sure to update the file with the necessary configurations. For first-time setup, refer to
the first time configurations
Install OpenMalaria
Step 1: Install OpenMalaria by following developer’s site instructions
Installation instructions can be found on the OpenMalaria wiki .
Installation instructions for the Northwestern University cluster:
NU IT research built a container and sent instructions which have been edited for completeness and are shown below: One can build the container on Quest using the remote Sylabs build environment. Updating to the latest OpenMalaria version: 1) Create a new folder for the version to install
mkdir /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v46/
cp /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v43/OpenMalaria.def /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v46/OpenMalaria.def
cp -r /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v43/modules /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v46/
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:20.04
apt-get update && \
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
git \
cmake \
libboost-dev \
libgsl-dev \
libxerces-c-dev \
xsdcxx \
zlib1g-dev \
python3 \
git config --global http.sslverify false
git clone /openmalaria
cd openmalaria && ./ -r
This git-repository contains source-code for Open Malaria, a simulator program for studying malaria epidemiology and the impacts of interventions against malaria.
local pkgName = "openmalaria"
local version = "46.0"
whatis("Name: " .. pkgName)
whatis("Version: " .. version)
local bashStr = 'singularity exec -B /projects:/projects /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v46/OpenMalaria.sif /openmalaria/openMalaria-46.0/openMalaria "$@"'
module load singularity
singularity remote login
module load singularity
singularity remote login
singularity build --remote OpenMalaria.sif OpenMalaria.def
cd /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v46/
module use /projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v46/modules/
module load openmalaria
openMalaria -s example_scenario.xml
Make sure to update the file with the necessary configurations. For first-time setup, refer to the first time configurations
to point to the location of the required OpenMalaria files:
OPENMALARIA_PATH = "/projects/b1139/OpenMalaria/om_v43/"
No edits needed for openmalaria_input_path
which defines the location of OpenMalaria
openmalaria_input_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'MultiMalModPy/OpenMalaria/')
If using the OpenMalaria module, configure OPENMALARIA_venv
to load the necessary environment modules
OPENMALARIA_venv = f'\n\nmodule use {OPENMALARIA_PATH}/modules/ \nmodule load openmalaria\n'
Install malariasimulation
Step 1: Install R or load R module
On HPC: module load R/>=4.4.0
(required >=4.4.0).
Step 2: Install R packages
Open a R console and run source(file.path('dependencies/install_packages.R'))
Select a CRAN mirror, and packages will be installed thereafter:
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Step 3: Update
No edits needed for malariasimulation when running on HPC.
Local Setup
Install OpenMalaria
Step 1: Create additional subfolders for OpenMalaria version i.e. v46
under dependencies
Step 2: Download or copy OpenMalaria files Visit the OpenMalaria release page and download the requred version. Alternatively, copy the files over from the installation on HPC for the respective version.
The OpenMalaria dependencies include:
Step 3: Update
Make sure to update the file with the necessary configurations. For first-time setup, refer to
the first time configurations
to point to the location of the required OpenMalaria files:
OPENMALARIA_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dependencies/OpenMalaria/om_v46')
No edits needed for openmalaria_input_path
which defines the location of OpenMalaria
openmalaria_input_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'MultiMalModPy/OpenMalaria/')
is not used when running on local machine.
Install malariasimulation
Step 1: Install R or load R module
Download and install the latest version of R from CRAN. For Windows users, also install Rtools from CRAN Rtools to ensure compatibility with package compilation.
Step 2: Install R packages
Open an R console and run source(file.path('dependencies/install_packages.R'))
Select a CRAN mirror, and packages will be installed thereafter:
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Install any additional R packages you may want to use for your project.
Step 3: Update
Make sure to update the file with the necessary configurations. For first-time setup, refer to
the first time configurations
Define the path to your local R installation:
r_local = "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.3/bin"
No edits needed for malariasimulation_input_path
which defines the location of OpenMalaria
malariasimulation_input_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'MultiMalModPy/malariasimulation/')
Container Setup
This section is under construction…
A singularity container will be made available to allow running MultiMalModPy instantly, without the need for
EMOD examples
If you encounter an error and the test run does was not successful, you may need to rerun some installation commands.
- Missing python package or version conflict
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement click==7.1.2 ERROR: No matching distribution found for click==7.1.2
In that case the python package needs to be manually re-installed using
pip install click==7.1.2
- Issue with installing idmtools slurm:
Try again using the same command
pip install idmtools[slurm] --index-url=
- Python package version error:
ERROR: pip’s dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. emodpy 1.22.1 requires click~=7.1, but you have click 8.1.8 which is incompatible. - Run required package installation i.e.
pip install click==8.1.7
If a dependency conflict remains, let us know and try again to verify installation.
- EMOD ValueError: If it seems that EMOD is running, but you get a ValueError, this indicates that a wrong version of ’
emodpy-malaria’ has been installed.
Please let us know and we will update the online documentation.
An example is shown in the screenshot below: