computes Fourier coefficients to model seasonality based on Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR) data.
The function supports both daily and monthly timeframes and allows customization of midpoint calculations for monthly data.
@param eirs A numeric vector representing EIR values.
If \code{timeframe} is "monthly", this should contain one value per month.
If \code{timeframe} is "daily", this should contain one value per day.
@param timeframe A string indicating the timeframe of the \code{eirs} data. Accepted values are:
\item \code{"daily"}: EIR data is provided for each day of the year.
\item \code{"monthly"}: EIR data is provided for each month of the year.
@param midpoint_setting A string specifying how to calculate midpoints for the monthly timeframe.
Accepted values are:
\item \code{"default"}: Midpoints are set to the 15th day of each month.
\item \code{"calendar"}: Midpoints are calculated based on the exact day distribution of each month.
@return A list of Fourier coefficients that model the seasonality based on the provided EIR data.
get_seasonality_parameters <- function(eirs, timeframe, midpoint_setting = "default") {
if(!timeframe %in% c("daily", "monthly")) {
stop("EIR timeframe not from accepted values (daily or monthly")
if(!midpoint_setting %in% c("default", "calendar")) {
stop("EIR timeframe not from accepted values (default or calendar")
# If the EIRs provided are on a monthly timeframe:
if(timeframe == "monthly") {
# If the default midpoint setting has been selected:
if (midpoint_setting == "default") {
# Generate the monthly midpoints:
monthly_midpoints <- (0:11 * 30) + 15
# Generate the Fourier coefficients:
seasonality_parameters <- umbrella::fit_fourier(rainfall = eirs, t = monthly_midpoints)
# Return the Fourier coefficients:
} else if (midpoint_setting == "calendar") {
# Generate a vector of the days per calendar month in a non-leap year:
days_per_month <- as.numeric(days_in_month(seq(from = dmy("01-01-2023"), length.out = 12, by = "months")))
# Get the midpoint of each month by subtracting half the number of days from the cumulative sum of days:
monthly_midpoints <- cumsum(days_per_month) - ceiling(days_per_month/2)
# Generate the Fourier coefficients:
seasonality_parameters <- umbrella::fit_fourier(rainfall = eirs, t = monthly_midpoints)
# Return the Fourier coefficients:
# If the EIRs are provided on the daily timeframe:
if(timeframe == "daily") {
# Generate the Fourier coefficients:
seasonality_parameters <- umbrella::fit_fourier(rainfall = eirs, t = 1:365)
# Return the Fourier coefficients